PaperStone – Another Green/Sustainable Choice

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 JRL Design, Inc., James Lebair, GCP, Owner and Designer

There are many choices when it comes to countertops for your kitchen and bath projects.  One Green/Sustainable offering, PaperStone (http://paperstoneproducts.c http://www.countertopreview .com/countertop-materials/paper) appears to be a viable option.  PaperStone uses a recycled paper content and binders which can be a petroleum-free phenolic resins made from raw materials like cashew nut shell liquid to a completely water based binder.  It is extremely high, impact and heat-resistant,  and easy to clean.  Some downsides are that it scratches easy, can show stains on light colors and may be susceptible to UV light.  More information can be found on a web site called Countertop Review (composites_countertop_review/ om/docs/PSbrochureelectronic distformat030211.pdf).   Although I have not incorporated this product into any of my projects, I am doing my due diligence and plan on procuring and installing a sample in our show room.  I’ll keep you posted.Toggle panel: Post Options

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